Through our work, we want to play our part in ensuring that food and drink enjoy a higher status in our society. We create added value through design.

We design today ‘s food for a better tomorrow and keep an eye on the day after tomorrow. It’s about more sustainable food and packaging solutions in the context of real transformation through creativity – the new superpower in the knowledge age.


We take this responsibility seriously and incorporate our creativity together with the knowledge of our customers into every design project. In doing so, we work for the largest food manufacturers and retail companies just as ambitiously as for the smallest startup.

A question we are often asked: Why do you also work for large companies that are often criticized? The larger the “footprint” of our customers, the stronger our positive impact through design.

Ein Auszug unserer größten Kunden mit einem entsprechenden eigenen “Fußabdruck”

We think undogmatically and do not take radical positions when it comes to saving our world. As our positioning in the title reveals, we see ourselves as a partner of change.

The nutrition turnaround is upon us. Alongside the energy transition, it is a second essential challenge for our generation. At least in some highly developed countries, it is already becoming a partial reality. The vast majority of companies have already set out to make their business models and products more sustainable.

Partner of change

We accompany our clients as partners of change and like to tickle their weak spots for more progress. We have also invested in our own tools so that we can meet our customers at eye level when it comes to more sustainable packaging solutions for food.

But there is still so much to do! Therefore, this page does not look back to the past, but forward to the future. We distinguish between TODAY, TOMORROW and OVER-TOMORROW as well as according to the three categories for more sustainability: Ecology, Social and Economy (as well as their documentation). If all three areas grow together and are lived with measures in everyday work, we will be much closer to the goal of a sustainable agency.

As mentioned at the beginning, we take our responsibility as designers seriously and see the much greater leverage for a more sustainable economy in our projects and our design itself. When we work with the largest distributors of food packaging on more sustainable solutions, every small step has a big impact!

For example, we pay attention to Design-4-Recycling in our projects in order to achieve the EU goal of a circular economy. There are still many hurdles to overcome here and everything could (and should) happen much faster. But we are seeing a real change and more awareness of ecological problems among industry and consumers than just a few years ago. The change is underway and we are on board as a partner.

If you also want to help shape the future: undogmatic, optimistic about the future and creative . Then apply to us now. You can find our current job postings and opportunities for speculative applications here.


Our Sustainability Radar maps the concrete ideas and measures for more sustainability in our everyday lives. In it you will find our already established processes (today), what we are working on concretely (tomorrow) and what we want to do in the future (the day after tomorrow).

50% electric drive

Electric drive ratio 50/50 Half of our company fleet is electronically powered. In addition, our […]

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Our bee colony

Environmental protection through bees. We have built up our own bee colony with the help […]

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Climate neutral company through compensation

Climate Action Now. We launched our Climate Action this year, together with our partner Planted. […]

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Separate waste disposal

Tips for the ton. We separate our office waste for improved recycling management (within the […]

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100% green electricity

Electricity from renewable sources. Our ideas are powered by 100% green electricity, which provides juice […]

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Mindfulness in paper purchasing

FSC certified paper. We use FSC certified paper from certified sources for our office print […]

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Becoming climate-positive as a company (arithmetically)

Promote further climate protection projects. If we want to do even more, we will increase […]

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Design for recycling becomes standard

Promote circular economy. As is made clear on our sustainability page, we take our responsibility […]

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Zero Waste Packaging

Bio-based packaging, biodegradable (standard). Want an example? This concept “Soupa Soup” of us tries to […]

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100% electric?!

We are aiming for a 100% electric fleet. Whether this will be possible will certainly […]

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Meal time” fundraiser

For a good cause. Our support for the children’s and youth charity “Die Arche” in […]

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Virtual Office

Flexible work location. Since 2020, we have offered all employees the option of working on […]

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Flexible working hours

Flexible working time models Since 2014, we have offered all employees variable part-time models and […]

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Collective responsibility for the organization

Introduction of special roles. Everyone in the team has a so-called special role that has […]

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Space for self-realization

In-house Design Studio. Everyone in the team the firm claim to free projects. She or […]

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Transparent key figures for all

Access to agency software. Our internal agency software provides all employees with information on current […]

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Training made easy

Our own Academy. The MILK. Academy provides an overview of the most interesting training opportunities, […]

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Appreciation for work

Loopline Feedback Routine. Everyone on the team is entitled to a semi-annual feedback session (60-120 […]

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Lean & agile management

Collective responsibility for projects. Since 2017, we have been working according to the principles of […]

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Profit-sharing for employees

Bonus goals. Since 2018, we have offered all employees a fixed bonus for achieving sales […]

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360° feedback

Supplier and customer feedback for employees. In the future, we would like to gather opinions […]

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“Shaire” wage model

Experiment “Shaire”. As the name suggests, it’s about a new way of sharing. What is […]

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Sustainability Radar

Agenda for more sustainability. With this page, we provide information about the measures we have […]

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Ecovadis Rating

50/100 points. We have been listed with ecovadis since 2017 and have received a scorecard […]

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Sustainability Report

Our first sustainability report. We plan to publish an official sustainability report in the future. […]

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Become B-Corp

Network of the future. In the future, we want to be certified as a B-Corp. […]

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Healthy equity ratio

The agency in your own hand. Our high equity ratio is also an expression of […]

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Organic growth

Stable development. We have always grown slowly over the years, out of ourselves. The quality […]

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How does Banking work tomorrow?

We are planning to change our house bank, but are still sounding out the market at the moment.

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Business Ecosystem

Vertical and horizontal collaborations. In the future, we want to open up more and think […]

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Design for equity

New agency business model. We want to take responsibility with our design. This also means […]

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Food Spin-Off

Your own startup. From the series of our own product ideas, we would like to […]

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Scanning …
Why does a design studio need an LCA?

Our own eco-balance is relatively manageable given our field of activity as a service provider in the creative sector. But we as a company and especially we as people (all employees) also have a footprint. We have had this calculated by our partner Planted and it is 77.25 tons of CO2 in 2022. Since November 2022, we have been offsetting our CO2 emissions mathematically by supporting global climate protection projects. We also plant trees in Germany.

emissions per year*

77 t CO2

Compensation per year

100 t CO2

Climate positive effect per year

23 t CO2

*Result of the calculation per year (as of 2022) of our life cycle assessment by the company “Planted” (Scope 1: 60.52 t, Scope 2: 1.75 t, Scope 3: 14.99 t = Total: 77.25 t)

Offsetting CO2 is only the last of three steps towards climate neutrality, which we take in the following order:

Step 1: Measuring and balancing emissions
Step 2: Avoiding and reducing emissions Step 3: Reducing emissions Step 2: Avoiding and reducing emissions
3. Step 3: Offsetting unavoidable emissions