Graphic Paper From Disposable Cups

Upcycling Disposable Cups Through Their Paper Fibers

According to the Federal Environment Agency, 2.8 billion disposable cups are used every year in Germany alone, mostly plastic-coated paper cups that currently end up in the bin because they cannot be recycled in a proportionate and economical way. The cups are made from a composite of paper and plastic – and it is precisely this combination that slows down the recycling process. A newly developed, innovative recycling product now enables this separation and thus the return of virgin fiber pulp from disposable cups into the recycling cycle – the CoffeeCup Paper.

The graphic paper is a recycled product made from 100% waste paper. It consists of about 25% disposable paper cups and about 75% directly recyclable waste paper. The result is a product suitable for everyday use with a fair price-performance ratio and great environmental performance. Because once produced, the paper can be recycled at least six more times.

With its matte, rough surface and natural coloring, CoffeeCup Paper is a visually and haptically appealing, uncoated natural paper and is therefore ideal for sustainable messages – its origin and story underline this like no other recycled product. The innovative idea that makes upcycling into graphic paper possible originally came from the printing and media technology department at creart Neidhardt Werbe GmbH in Fulda, East Hesse. Together with the team at IGEPA Großhandel GmbH, the “CoffeeCup Paper” project was then set up and the new recycling idea realized.

The Challenge: We need more cups!

While IGEPA is the exclusive distributor, the cooperation partner for manufacturing is Koehler Paper Group. This concentrated expertise is what makes sustainable innovation possible in the first place. Because IGEPA also organizes the easy collection of the cups. This means that the CoffeCup Paper is not only a great opportunity for suppliers from the system catering industry to improve their own environmental balance sheet by collecting cups and using them for their own sustainability communication, it also saves on disposal costs.

In addition to the already acquired partner McDonald’s – which uses the CoffeeCup Paper directly for its sustainability communication – further cooperation partners are still being sought so that the CoffeeCup Paper project can grow and raw materials can be recovered from waste for the recycling cycle. Join in!

Product Name: CoffeeCup Paper
Manufacturer: IGEPA Grosshandel GmbH, Koehler Paper SE
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: IGEPA Grosshandel GmbH
Image Source: IGEPA Grosshandel GmbH