Wine Kegs For A Sustainable Wine Culture
No Need For Wine Bottles
A modern wine catering company for festivals, trade fairs, company parties, and events. Rethinking how wine is packaged, Ebb & Flow Keg offers an alternative to the common single use bottles. The common wine bottle packaging can account for over 50% of a wine’s CO2 balance. Ebb & Flow Keg’s reusable stainless steel barrels can be used in the reusable system for up to 30 years, reducing that CO2 footprint by 40%. The aim of Ebb & Flow Keg is to to rethink and implement new wine packaging for a more sustainable wine culture.
They provide their wine in kegs not only for events but also for specialist wine dealers, restaurants, hotels, and caterers.
Product Name: Ebb & Flow Keg
Manufacturer: Ebb & Flow Keg
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready
Source: Ebb & Flow Keg GmbH
Image Source: Ebb & Flow Keg GmbH