Water Soluble Film

MILK MaterialLab MonoSol MonoSol
MILK MaterialLab MonoSol MonoSol


The material of MonoSol, which is mainly used for the production of detergent pods, can be described as a water-soluble film. The application of the film with these pods offers on the one hand the advantage of easy dosage and on the other hand a dissolving of the film in a short time without leaving any residues.

MonoSols films are made of polyvinyl alcohol (PVOH). The environmental friendliness, as well as the colorlessness and odorlessness, allow universal use of the fabric. The non-toxic PVOH is converted to carbon dioxide and water by bacterial microorganisms after use, and is therefore biodegradable.

Product Name: MonoSol
Manufacturer: MonoSol / Kuraray
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: Peters, Sascha: Materialrevolution II. New Sustainable and Multifunctional Materials for Design and Architecture, Basel 2014, p. 85.
Image source: MonoSol