Potatoes Held by Potatoes

Edible French Fry Wrapping

Paolo Stefano Gentile’s concept revolves around employing this material for crafting street food packaging. The potato peel contains starches and fiber components, which, through maceration and natural drying, gain the capacity to bond and solidify. This resulting material is entirely derived from food production waste and is fully biodegradable. Once the packaging fulfills its purpose, it can be effectively reintroduced into the ecological cycle, serving as animal feed or plant fertilizer.

#friesforfries #potatosmarts #potatoesholding potatoes #funfood #funfact #allfoodnowaste

Product Name: Peel Saver
Manufacturer: Paolo Stefano Gentile
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: Paolo Stefano Gentile
Photo Source: Paolo Stefano Gentile