Bacterial Cellulose Film

MILK MaterialLab Ponto Biodesign Elena Amato
MILK MaterialLab Ponto Biodesign Elena Amato
MILK MaterialLab Ponto Biodesign Elena Amato
MILK MaterialLab Ponto Biodesign Elena Amato

Ponto Biodesign

Ponto Biodesign offers a sustainable alternative to plastic-based packaging materials. It is obtained from a mixture consisting of water, bacterial and yeast cultures (scoby), which – spread on a smooth surface and dried – produces a bacterial cellulose film with paper-like properties. On contact with water, the material develops an adhesive effect that can be used to seal packaging. The scoby used here is recycled by Elena Amato from production residues of a local kombucha producer, which has the advantage of not having to be newly grown and cultivated. The material properties of the resulting sheets are similar to those of paper and plastic. The addition of natural pigments such as spirulina, hibiscus, saffron and charcoal gives the material color variations.

Made from rapidly renewable raw materials, Ponto Biodesign is fully compostable and vegan. Based on its low-tech production, minimal energy consumption is required. In addition, Ponto Biodesign could promote local production in the long term.

Product Name: Ponto Biodesign
Manufacturer: Elena Amato
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: Dezeen (Elena Amato)
Image source: Elena Amato