Compostable Packaging From Beer Production Residues


Outlander Materials has developed plastic-free packaging from brewery surplus that is edible and compostable. By using food industry scraps, Outlander Materials does not rely on virgin materials, making UnPlastic an extremely environmentally friendly product. UnPlastic is designed as an alternative to single-use plastic, for example, disposable packaging for convenience items such as cookies and candies. Currently, single-use plastics contribute massively to worldwide CO2 emissions and global warming. They can also release toxic substances and break down into microplastics. UnPlastic is a functional, compostable and circular alternative that can improve health and our environment in a big way. Their production process allows Outlander Materials to easily partner with any brewery. UnPlastic can be produced locally and composted safely after use. Apart from that, UnPlastic has a number of beneficial properties: it is transparent, odorless, printable, lightweight, antimicrobial, contains no microplastics, has a high oxygen barrier and even reduces water vapor exchange. The material has been used for candy, fruits and vegetables.

Product Name: UnPlastic
Manufacturer: BlueCity
Project Status: Concept // Prototype // Market Ready // Series Production Ready

Source: Outlander Materials
Image source: Outlander Materials