
Corn Material – Totomoxtle is a new type of veneer material made from Mexican corn husks. The purple, red as well as cream corn grains give a unique design to the lamps, wall coverings, cans and tables. Fernando Laposse‘s goal here is to preserve jobs and safeguard the agricultural diversity of his home country. With the declining[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Totomoxtle Fernando Laposse

Scoby Packaging

Packaging From Organic Waste – MakeGrowLab‘s woven biowaste packaging is made entirely of cellulose, making it free of toxic pollutants, synthetic polylactides and fossil fuels. Scoby is 40 times more durable than paper and is compostable and plastic-free due to its natural ingredients. Thanks to its airtightness and water resistance, Scoby has already been able to encase shampoos, soaps,[...]

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MILK MaterialLab ScobyPackaging MakeGrowLab MILK-MaterialLab-ScobyPackaging-MakeGrowLab-10


Packing From Pine Needles – Pinepac, the winner of the 2017 International Packaging Contest in the Material category, is a package made of pine needles and resin. To produce them, the plants are crushed and mixed with the organic binder resin. The resulting mixture is then pressed into molds, which consist of salt, flour, sunflower oil and water. Subsequent[...]

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MILK MaterialLab PinePac Lina Petersson Arina Pauli MILK-MaterialLab-PinePac-Lina Petersson-Arina Pauli-4


Packaging Substance From Fish Waste and Red Algae – Product design student Lucy Huges’ project at the University of Sussex involves developing a novel packaging solution that is sustainable and biodegradable. More than 100 experiments required the material called MarinaTex, which is made from the agar of red algae and the proteins of fish waste. The natural raw materials of the oceans are[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Marinatex Folie MILK-MaterialLab-Marinatex-Folie-2

KAIKU Living Color

Colors From Food Skins – KAIKU Living Color is a sustainable alternative to conventional petroleum-derived paints. Using food trays from vegetables that have already been eaten offers a chemical- and toxin-free option for coloring materials. For the preparation of living colors are particularly suitable avocados, beet, onions and oranges. These are boiled so that first the juice is obtained[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Kaiku Living Color MILK-MaterialLab-Kaiku-Living-Color-5

Chip[s] Board

Material From Potato Scraps – The company name of Chip[s] Board already reveals its main product component – potatoes. The company’s Parblex plastics [PBX] are created from the remains of potato processing, among other abundant resources. To this end, chip manufacturers such as the Canadian producer McCain Foods take their waste to the respective production facilities where the fiber-reinforced[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Chipsboard

LAVAZZA Cookie Cup

Cookie Dough Coffee Cup – Italian designer Enrique Sardi created a coffee cup for LAVAZZA, which consists of a pastry dough and special powdered sugar. The edible cookie cup can be eaten after enjoying the coffee and therefore does not produce any waste. LAVAZZA became a pioneer with this idea and has since inspired a wide variety of food[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Enrique Sardi for LAVAZZA Cookiecup MILK-MaterialLab-Enrique-Sardi-for-LAVAZZA-Cookiecup-4


Sustainable Thermal Packaging – Since traditional Styrofoam containers are not biodegradable, Vericool has developed various thermal designs that keep the contents at constant temperatures. The compostable insulation, consisting of renewable and already consumed materials, can be disposed of in the household compost after a long period of use, thus preventing ecological pollution. Vericool is particularly suitable for transporting[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Vericool Thermopackaging MILK-MaterialLab-Vericool-Thermopackaging-3


Sustainable Packaging For Fruit and Vegetables – ReadyCycle‘s packaging is a sustainable alternative to traditional fruit and vegetable packaging. The recyclable trays not only offer the fragile goods the optimum protection, but are also designed with a vegetable-based ink. Since no adhesives or labels are used and the trays are made only of recycled paper and a water coating, they are[...]

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MILK MaterialLab READYCYCLE Packaging

Beeswax wipes

Alternative to Aluminium Foil and Cling Film – Driven by the idea of reducing their own need for plastic and disposable bags, the two Berliners Anna and Chelsea started making beeswax cloths. The space-saving and reusable method is lower in CO2 in its production compared to conventional reusable solutions such as jars. To make the beeswax cloths durable and biodegradable, a piece[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Wax Wrap Bienenwachstücher MILK-MaterialLab-Wax-Wrap-Bienenwachstücher-4


Leather From Pineapple Scraps – Piñatex was developed by the British company Ananas Anam, a manufacturer of natural textiles from the by-products of the pineapple harvest. With her development, Dr. Carmen Hijosa not only wanted to give an unappreciated waste a use, but also to generate maximum benefit with the smallest possible ecological footprint. The cradle-to-cradle aspect was a[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Ananas Aman Piñatex Dr. Carmen Hijosa MILK-MaterialLab-Ananas-Aman-Piñatex-Dr.-Carmen-Hijosa-7

Alter Eco Foods

Compostable Chocolate Packaging – The goal of the American company Alter Eco Foods, in addition to Fair Trade-Certified production of chocolate products, is to use packaging that is fully compostable. To keep the environmental impact balanced founders Mathieu Senard and Edouard Rollet rely on constantly evolving packaging processes. After years in the making, Gone4Food was introduced, a so-called[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Alterecofoods Mathieu Sonard Edouard Rollet