Tastee Tape

Edible Tape For Messy Meals – Tastee tape is tape you can eat while holding those messy meals like wraps. Tastee Tape is a fun and useful way to hold your food together and keep your meals mess-free. With no waste afterwards. Made entirely from edible fibres. #messfree #wrapsforlife #saveawrap #foodtape #foodglue #innovativefooddesign Product Name: Tastee TapeManufacturer: Tastee TapeProject Status:[...]

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Coffee Grounds 3D Printing

Coffee Grounds as a 3D Printing Material – Millions of tons of coffee grounds are generated annually globally. With the growing interest of upcycling and reusing the bi-product, numerous innovative concepts and projects have been in research. Michael Rivera and his team have developed a process on how to recover spent coffee grounds from local coffee shops and convert them into a material[...]

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Eggshell Ceramic

The Unique and Handmade Nutrient Rich Plate – 10 billion eggs a year are produced in the Netherlands, making the country the largest egg exporter in the world. An egg produces a valuable material which is often seen as waste; its shell. These shells, however, are nutrient rich and can be used in agriculture to greatly benefit the soil. Eggshell Ceramic is[...]

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Bee Loop Honey Pot

Keeping Honey In Its Natural Home – The Bee Loop Honey Pot is made from 100% pure beeswax and is intended to be used as packaging for honey in order to have a positive impact on bees’ existence. The pot’s limit the need of glass or plastic containers that are used for storing honey. Designed and produced in Lithuania, it is a zero-waste[...]

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Meal Bag

Corn Starch Edible Packaging – Packaging as part of the food chain instead of waste – based on this idea, product designer Amelie Graf has developed a concept to reduce packaging waste. The result is Meal Bag – an edible food packaging. In this way, the designer wants to contribute to a rethinking of the way we deal with[...]

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Dissolvable Noodle Packaging

Edible Packaging Film For Pasta – Instant ramen noodles – the epitome of student food. The quick meal was also a regular fixture on the menu of Holly Grounds, who studied product design in London. Confronted with the mountains of waste and the environmental impact of the delicious snack’s packaging, however, the environmentally conscious Grounds faced an immense imbalance: In[...]

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Mori™ Silk

Natural Protective Layer From Silk Proteins – Mori™ Silk is a food protection technology that slows the natural spoilage process at many points in the supply chain, providing nature-inspired protection for all types of food. Just as bees build honeycombs to shield their honey, Bombyx mori silkworms weave a silk cocoon to protect themselves during their most vulnerable stage of life.[...]

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Cheer Project

Organic Composite-Material From Pine Needles – The ‘Cheer Project’ is pine needle research that developed the abundant, mostly unwanted material into a 100% bio-based, recyclable and compostable bio-composite material. Through a holistic approach, the Cheer Project’s production process unleashes the dormant potential of pine needles while empowering local communities by creating livelihood opportunities for them. The raw material is sourced[...]

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Zero economy meal tray

Packaging concept for flight catering – As part of the research project “Get Onboard: Reduce. Reuse. Rethink.” developed solutions for the waste generated by air travel – as much as 5.7 million tons of cabin waste per year. The results of the agency, which specializes in the transport sector, were presented in 2019. The solutions developed focus on in-flight catering.[...]

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Zero Takeaway Packaging

Takeaway concept – London-based design studio PriestmanGoode’s new concepts show how it is possible to reduce the huge amounts of plastic packaging used in takeaway food deliveries. The project is the latest in a series of concepts the studio has developed to show how design thinking can help address some of the big problems of everyday life[...]

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Secondary packaging from spent grains – TREBODUR is produced exclusively from spent grains, a waste product of beer production. The proteins contained bind the brewing residues to form a homogeneous woody material. Therefore, it is ideal for short-lived products, such as disposable packaging, which can be composted very well (even in home composting systems). The proteins contained in the residues[...]

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CHAMU Tea packaging

Packaging Made From By-Products of Tea Cultivation – The CHAMU material innovation was developed at Kyushu University in Fukuoka, in the tea country of Japan. The name of the newly developed material already hints at both the basic material and its future purpose, as CHAMU is made up of the Chinese phonetic spelling for tea and wood. The stalks, which are a[...]

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