Ocean Plastic Soap Bottle

Soap Bottle Made From Recycled Ocean Plastic – The ocean plastic 2-in-1 dish + hand soap by method consists of recycled plastic as well as plastic collected by volunteers and clean-up groups on Hawaiian beaches. In this way, over a ton of the collected plastic was passed on to methods recycling partner Envision Plastics for further processing. The grayish color of the[...]

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Super Synthetics

Dissolvable Rice Starch Drinking Vessel – With the Super Synthetics project, a drinking vessel based on natural materials was developed by Maria Idicula Kurian as her master’s thesis at Central Saint Martins College. Various ingredients such as rice pepper, potato starch and bacterial cellulose were experimented with and used in the project. If liquid is added to the drinking vessel,[...]

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Fish Leather

Fish Leather – Waste products from the fishing industry are used to make a thin, flexible leather that is just as durable as cowhide. The Fish Leather undergoes a demanding 30-45 day manufacturing process: The natural oils and scales of the fish skins – from salmon, cod or perch – are separated by shaking and soaking, so[...]

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MILK MaterialLab Fish Leather NYVIDD