Eggshell Ceramic

The Unique and Handmade Nutrient Rich Plate – 10 billion eggs a year are produced in the Netherlands, making the country the largest egg exporter in the world. An egg produces a valuable material which is often seen as waste; its shell. These shells, however, are nutrient rich and can be used in agriculture to greatly benefit the soil. Eggshell Ceramic is[...]

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Coffee Biochar Concrete

Coffee Grounds as a Concrete Foundation – The motivation behind the Australian based research was the large amount of organic waste ending up in landfills and contributing to high greenhouse gas emissions. In Australia, about 6.87 million tonnes of organic waste ends up in landfills and contributes to 3% of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions. The research group was discussing about shifting[...]

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A Reusable Wine Bottle System in Germany – Established in January 2023, Wein-Mehrweg eG is a cooperative that has developed an innovative 0.75-liter reusable wine bottle concept and intend to gradually have it replace a significant portion of disposable bottles on the market today. Ten founding companies, collectively managing over 5% of Germany’s total vineyards, are supporting this initiative. This sustainable transition[...]

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The Good Cup™

A Sustainable Multi-Purpose Paper Cup – An alternative to wood based paper cups, The Good Cup™’s smart foldable design can seal tiself tightly and eliminate the need for a lid. Whether containing liquids or solid foods, the cup form can be adjusted to fit the needs of its content. Made in partnership with EnvoPAP, the paper is made of discarded[...]

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Bee Loop Honey Pot

Keeping Honey In Its Natural Home – The Bee Loop Honey Pot is made from 100% pure beeswax and is intended to be used as packaging for honey in order to have a positive impact on bees’ existence. The pot’s limit the need of glass or plastic containers that are used for storing honey. Designed and produced in Lithuania, it is a zero-waste[...]

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Fish Boxes Made From Styrofoam Ccycled

EPS Fish Boxes Made From Chemically Recycled Plastic – Fish boxes made of expandable polystyrene (EPS) – also known as Styropor – are an important packaging product that optimally protect the product during transport and ensure the cold chain. With its Styropor Ccycled material, BASF provides the basic material for a more sustainable alternative to conventional boxes made purely from virgin plastic. In[...]

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CoffeeCup Paper

Graphic Paper From Disposable Cups – According to the Federal Environment Agency, 2.8 billion disposable cups are used every year in Germany alone, mostly plastic-coated paper cups that currently end up in the bin because they cannot be recycled in a proportionate and economical way. The cups are made from a composite of paper and plastic – and it is[...]

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Full barrier carton without aluminum – The world’s first aluminum-free material for aseptic full-barrier cartons: The SIGNATURE EVO beverage carton from manufacturer SIG makes it possible to package liquid dairy products and other non-carbonated beverages without using aluminum as a barrier. Like all SIG beverage cartons, SIGNATURE EVO is made largely from renewable materials. For all products in the sustainable[...]

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Cost Effective and Reliable Cardboard Trays – ECKO-PACK offers with its ECKO-TRAY cardboard trays with foil seal a sustainable and at the same time inexpensive solution for packaging food. ECKO-PACK is free from additives such as PE coatings, lime and adhesives. Due to the particularly low weight of the packaging, up to 90 % CO2 can be saved during transport. A[...]

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Vanish PCR

Sustainable no label look labels – UPM introduces UPM Raflatac VanishTM PCR, an ultra-transparent labelstock. Thanks to its particularly low material thickness and the use of 90% recycled PET, this requires fewer raw materials than standard clear-on-clear products. When applied to transparent containers, this allows a true “no-label look”‘ with improved environmental performance. The film is ideal for a wide[...]

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Zero-Waste Chocolate in Cocoa Shells-Paper – Zero-waste chocolate, from production to packaging – that is the claim of the Indian company Kocoatrait. Kocoatrait packs its chocolates, which are produced in a socially as well as ecologically sustainable manner, in an outer shell made exclusively from by-products of the cotton industry and the cocoa shells produced during the manufacture of the[...]

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Conscious Chocolate

Compostable Chocolate Packaging – After a year of development, British chocolate manufacturer Conscious Chocolate succeeded in using compostable and recyclable packaging for its (exclusively vegan) chocolate products. The packaging solution of the Conscious Chocolate bar realized with the manufacturer Qualvis is plastic-free, recyclable, biodegradable and home compostable. The cardboard cover is fully recyclable according to standard EN 13430[...]

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