Master house
Tradition reinterpreted.
We have turned vegetables into “meat”. This new tradition comes from the vegan charcuterie “Meisterhaus”. A brand that is reminiscent of the good old days and yet breaks completely new ground. You have already read how to do this in our magazine. Click here for the article.
Here we present the vegetable charcuterie in its visual appearance. The young brand is fully in keeping with the artisan butcher’s tradition. We make use of the knowledge of old master butchers, but the ingredients are completely different.
A whole new element comes into play with the koji mushroom, which enriches the manufacturing process. The texture of the fermented products is fantastic and the taste has the potential to start a new tradition.
Dieses Produktentwicklungsprojekt läuft kontinuierlich und wir freuen uns über Interesse aus der Wirtschaft, um den Genuss der Zukunft weiter zu formen.