Design for recycling:
Maximum standardization
Within our agency and with our customers, there are always two opposing camps when it comes to the question of perfect packaging: The advocates of aesthetics argue in favor of “design for selling”, while the ecologists among us demand “design for recycling”. While the former aims to stand out with a design that is as unique as possible, recycling-friendly design benefits above all from standardization. Pool systems, such as for beer bottles, already ensure that packaging can be better managed in the cycle. So why not simply standardize everything?

Standardization doesn’t have to mean that the look of the packaging suffers – as our design for “bean” in collaboration with the start-up Circolution shows.
The stainless steel cup looks high-quality and the large paper labels leave enough space for communication and design. After use, the cups can be returned to the deposit machine and redesigned for any other brand. Nestlè is also testing the concept. After cocoa powder was packaged in them in 2023, the “Chocolate Balls” of the Lion and Kit Kat brands followed in 2024.

Pool concepts are still the exception, especially in markets outside the German deposit system. Most manufacturers do not yet want to do without the packaging shape and materiality as a distinguishing feature. However, as part of the PPWR, uniform EU-wide Design for Recycling guidelines are to be issued, which could push the issue further.
Our conclusion: even if standardization entails restrictions, we find the development positive. Above all, we see potential for many creative solutions that unite both worlds!