In Germany and in many neighboring European countries, we have reached “peak meat,” which means that meat consumption is stagnating at a level (which is still far too high from an ecological and health point of view) or is even declining slightly. One reason for this is the trend toward flexitarianism, or part-time vegetarianism. The motto of this dietary form, also known as Reducetarianism, is: less meat, but better meat. In this way, the flexitarian trend also makes possible a disarmament in the ideological battle over “proper” food, which had been building up between vegetarians and ever-meat eaters in recent years. Because for the “meat-eating vegetarian”, eating meat less often does not mean giving up. On the contrary, as a moderate, animal welfare-conscious and very quality-conscious meat eater (as defined by the industry service aid), he combines enjoyment with global and personal responsibility. In this way, eating meat can once again become something special, celebrated with pleasure instead of a guilty conscience.
In Germany, almost one in two people now describe themselves as flexitarians. But when it comes to consuming or not consuming meat, there are clear differences in terms of both gender and age: on the one hand, women are more likely to eat a meat-free diet (63 percent) than men (43 percent), and younger generations in particular are more likely to avoid meat altogether. Thus according to questioning with the 18 – to 29-Jährigen 14 per cent vegetarian and 3 per cent vegan nourish themselves, while from the 60 – to 75-Jährigen only 5 per cent as Vegetarier:innen describe themselves and the Veganer:innen are even statically to be neglected. However, flexitarianism becomes more popular with advancing age: 35 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds are flexitarians, while the proportion rises to 55 percent among 60- to 75-year-olds.
Photo: Unsplash